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Development of innovative potential

Innovations are precondition of growth, sustainability and successes of companies. SMEs in Europe are not systematic enough in their approach to manage innovations, and struggle to access finance for innovative endeavors. In order to assist companies to realize innovations, the Network provides a set of services designed for ambitious SMEs which are innovative or have the potential to innovate with international perspective.

With this in mind, services of the Network are intended for SMEs whose innovation projects/ideas have the potential for cross-border market impact, its activity is intended to increase its’ competitiveness in the EU market, or the company wants to participate in the EU innovation support programs.

The Network services consist of informing on possible sources of innovation funding, advisory services during the application process, consulting services for enhancing innovation management capacity, and access to free of charge expert support for the beneficiaries of the SME Instruments during project implementation.

“Enhancing innovation management capacity SMEs program” will have provided these specialized services to around 100 companies from the Republic of Srpska, by the end of 2018. This includes seven-day free-of-charge consulting service packages and continuous support provision for six months after the initial capacity assessment.

The seven-day service package includes innovation management assessment, determining strengths and weaknesses, designing an action plan to improve performance, and continuous support during the plan implementation. This service is provided by experts for innovation management from the Republic of Srpska, using „IMP3rove“metodology, recomented by the European Commision.

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